New Homes – Without the Wait

You’ve all waited for enough things over the past two years, the last thing you want to wait for now is your new home.

Bailee Schaetzle

Categories: Buying A New Home
November 9, 2022
Couple surrounded by moving boxes looking at laptop monitor

You’ve all waited for enough things over the past two years, the last thing you want to wait for now is your new home. That is why, at Sterling Homes, we have created our Without The Wait program.

Purchase any of our professionally curated Without The Wait homes and enjoy peace of mind along with the following perks:

  1. Guaranteed Possession Date
  2. $20,000 Deposit
  3. Guaranteed Price

Guaranteed Possession Date

From the moment you purchase your new home, to the moment you get the keys you will know your exact possession date allowing you to plan accordingly for this exciting new chapter.

With home ready for immediate possession or a few months down the road you can be confident that Sterling Homes will have a home to fit your needs.

$20,000 Deposit

You can get your new home purchase started with only a $20,000 down payment.

Your remaining minimum required deposit will be required by your lender at closing prior to taking possession of your home but a smaller down payment up front allows you to get your new home purchase process started and gives you more time to save.

Guaranteed Price

No if’s, and’s or but’s…you can be confident the price of your new home will not change prior to your possession and that all the upgrades selected by our design team are included in your purchase price.

About the Author: Bailee Schaetzle

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